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reNews: SDCL hires Santander duo to run new renewables unit

Posted on: September 15th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

Sustainable Development Capital LLP (SDCL) has launched a new renewables division and hired two executives from Santander to run it.

Alejandro Ciruelos and Javier Jimenez, from Santander’s corporate and investment banking arm, will focus on developing “innovative financing and investment solutions” for utility-scale renewables projects, developers and investors.

Ciruelos has been appointed as the managing director of SDCL’s renewables division and was managing director and member of the executive leadership team of Santander Corporate & Investment Banking in London.

He has led advisory and investment mandates for Santander including, most recently, the £2.5bn debt financing for the Moray East offshore wind farm owned by EDPR, Mitsubishi Corporation and Engie.

Jimenez has 14 years of experience in the infrastructure sector and was previously a managing director at Santander heading up renewable energy, senior origination and execution.

Private equity outfit Volery also became a minority shareholder in SDCL.

SDCL CEO Jonathan Maxwell (pictured) said: “We are very excited to have created our renewables division lead by leading industry practitioners as experienced and highly regarded as Alejandro and Javier.

“Their deep expertise in the renewables sector adds to SDCL’s established platform as we looks to capitalise on the increasing number of high quality opportunities in energy efficiency, renewables, and offshore wind.

“Similarly, our partnership with Volery will help us accelerate our growth plans and increase the development of clean and efficient energy solutions, which are critical to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.”


SDCL Senior Adviser appointed as Official Adviser to UK Board of Trade

Posted on: September 11th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

SDCL welcomes the announcement that its Senior Adviser, Michael Liebreich, has been appointed as an Official Adviser to the Board of Trade by the UK Government.

The Board of Trade and its advisers comprise senior figures from business, academia and government. Originally constituted in the early 17th Century but recently revived, its President is Liz Truss, Secretary of State for International Trade. Its members and advisers are expected to use their influence to help Britain make a stronger case for free trade on the international stage.

Michael became Senior Advisor to SDCL in September 2018 and is a global authority on clean energy and transportation, smart infrastructure, technology, climate finance and sustainable development. He is Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates and serves on a number of advisory boards.

SDCL’s CEO, Jonathan Maxwell, said: “We’re delighted that Michael’s considerable knowledge and experience will be utilised by the government in the negotiation of future trade deals. He is a highly valued advisor to SDCL and we have no doubt the Board of Trade will benefit greatly from his deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that the UK the global economy face at this critical point in history.”

Volery Capital Partners Announces Growth Equity Investment in SDCL

Posted on: September 10th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

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Federal Report Warns of Financial Havoc From Climate Change

Posted on: September 9th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

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Letter to the editor – The importance of energy efficiency

Posted on: August 7th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

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Be efficient, cool and smart: tackling climate change in a post-Covid world

Posted on: July 1st, 2020 by dusted No Comments

Investment Week: What Impact will lower oil prices have on clean energy?

Posted on: May 27th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

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Investment Week: Bull and Bear Column

Posted on: May 19th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

At the beginning of 2020, it seemed that the long-term benefits of investment in sustainability had found its place at the forefront of investors’ thinking. Although investor sentiment toward sustainable investment remains strong, the COVID-19 crisis has called into question long understood market norms, particularly in the energy market.

Once the current crisis has passed, attention will move to figuring out the most effective way to re-start and re-invigorate stalled economies. This presents an historic opportunity for investment in sustainable, clean and efficient energy generation and demand reduction projects to act as critical economic levers.

Following unprecedented reductions in energy demand, oil and natural gas prices could remain low for a prolonged period. This might reduce the perceived immediacy of the well understood and obvious benefits of investment in projects which reduce energy demand and costs or provide efficient generation of energy. However, failure to seize the momentum of investment would be to miss a great opportunity, as when demand eventually does return, a spike in energy prices could act as a sharp brake on rapid economic recovery.

Efficient and sustainable sources of power are now so cheap that they present the most attractive option for new build generation. With demand currently suppressed, variable supply renewables now represent a higher proportion of power supply than ever before. Low prices of carbon fuels and structural issues within the grid could lead to this proportion being temporarily scaled back to pre-crisis levels, but investment in simple and cost-effective on-site generation, demand reduction and storage projects can help to consolidate and balance the increased proportion of renewable energy over the long term. In general, cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy solutions should be at least as attractive to government, businesses and investors as ever before.

<strong>Bull Points</strong>
• Strong investor sentiment for sustainable investment and growing corporate commitment to reducing energy costs by focusing on cheaper, cleaner and more efficient energy
• Significant and growing pool of essential investment opportunities to compliment widespread variable renewable supply in the energy grid

<strong>Bear Points</strong>
• Energy demand at historic lows and dislocated energy markets
• Immediate crisis-related priorities may not be focused on delivering a more efficient energy market

Zeus: If it’s not commercial, it’s not sustainable

Posted on: May 14th, 2020 by dusted No Comments

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Energy Efficiency’s Key Role in Coronavirus Recovery

Posted on: April 24th, 2020 by dusted

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