SDCL welcomes the announcement that its Senior Advisor, Michael Liebreich, has been appointed as an Official Adviser to the Board of Trade by the UK Government.
The Board of Trade and its advisers comprise senior figures from business, academia and government. Originally constituted in the early 17th Century but recently revived, its President is Liz Truss, Secretary of State for International Trade. Its members and advisers are expected to use their influence to help Britain make a stronger case for free trade on the international stage.
Michael became Senior Advisor to SDCL in September 2018 and is a global authority on clean energy and transportation, smart infrastructure, technology, climate finance and sustainable development. He is Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates and serves on a number of advisory boards.
SDCL’s CEO, Jonathan Maxwell, said: “We’re delighted that Michael’s considerable knowledge and experience will be utilised by the government in the negotiation of future trade deals. He is a highly valued advisor to SDCL and we have no doubt the Board of Trade will benefit greatly from his deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that the UK the global economy face at this critical point in history.”