What we do

Cheaper, cleaner & more reliable energy solutions
We have the investment capital, expertise and partners to deliver energy efficient solutions to the end users in the commercial, industrial public and healthcare sectors.
We focus on energy efficiency, on-site generation and clean energy projects that reduce costs and risks for the end user, delivering cleaner, smarter and more resilient energy solutions. We aim to deliver better management, control and reliability, to reduce maintenance costs and thereby increasing productivity, profitability and asset values.
Our solutions require no up-front capital outlay for the end user and result in lower operating costs.
Our unique experience in deal structuring and project management, together with our network of world class technology and energy services companies, enable us to arrange and finance turnkey solutions with assured outcomes.
We off-set performance, operational and installation risks, resulting in a reduction in greenhouse gases and other pollutants.
Key benefits to host company
No upfront capital investment for the host company
Risk transfer during the installation and operation
State of the art technology and services
Performance contracts based on energy savings or output
Market standards for availability, performance and maintenance performance
Off-balance sheet solutions
Lower energy, operational and maintenance costs
Energy infrastructure upgrades with medium to long term investments and contracts
Specialist deal structuring and legal contracting